Essential actions to ensure technology infrastructure, assets, and guidance support an organized transition to classroom instruction.
Do When Schools are Open and Operating
- Compile technology-facing lessons learned for inclusion in your district’s updated learning continuity plan
Nebraska’s Virtual Professional Learning Network
NDE’s Canvas Catalog allows for the centralization of continuing education or professional development offerings, allowing for the easy creation of custom landing pages to promote individual courses, and make them easily searchable. Canvas Catalog includes a course catalog which can be customized, course registration system, payment gateway, and learning platform.
Timeline and resources
- Catalog will be available to learners statewide by January 1, 2021.
- Course developers and instructors will begin training on Canvas and Catalog starting in mid-September through mid-November. Both online self-paced and virtual synchronous training options are available.
- Current online courses in Moodle will be moved from September 2020 through mid-October 2020.
- New courses will be added, developed and tested starting mid-September through December 2020.
Professional Development Resources available now or coming soon:
- FREE Professional Learning Opportunity – Canvas CON October 15th – Keynotes LeVar Burton and Sal Khan, Free and online this year sign up here:
- Creating Remote Learning PD for teachers – The purpose of this professional learning module is to help educators plan high quality remote learning experiences. It is expected to take approximately 1 hour to complete this professional learning module on Remote Learning Planning. Found in the OER hub,
- Future Ready Conference recordings – Many sessions on Remote learning for professional development use.
- Future Ready Summer Learning Series for Leaders and Librarians – Recordings to this PD can be found here towards the bottom of the page: