Essential actions to ensure operations support a safe and organized transition back to classroom instruction.

Do When Schools are Open and Operating
- Adjust attendance policies to address the needs of your community. Review Considerations for Student Attendance for guidance on flexibilities and frequently asked questions.
- Assess need for additional substitute teachers and other certificated/non-certificated personnel. Review the Human Capital Considerations for guidance on flexibilities for substitute teachers and other staffing considerations.
- Educator Certification/Permit Renewals Update
- If an individual has filed an application with the NDE to renew a certificate or permit that expired on August 31, 2020, and paid the fee for such renewal, then the school district or system may continue to employ that person as an educator during the time period it takes the NDE to process and make a determination on the certificate or permit.
- To verify if an individual has application for a certificate or permit, you can go to our public lookup site ( The status of a certificate or permit will appear as “Pending” once an application has been paid for and submitted and “Active” on the site once it has been issued.
- Provide opportunities to address adult social emotional learning needs. Checkout CASEL’s Adult SEL for more information.
- Continue to track data to make adjustments to schedules as needed, based on local public health guidance.